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Summer Camp For Broken People – Video Submission


Hello! Thank you so much for responding to our callout.

We’re looking for up to 100 people to take part in a video to be used in the finale of Emily Beecher’s new show Summer Camp For Broken People.

Summer Camp For Broken People is a dark comedy about rape, losing your mind and finding yourself. It’s a deeply personal show about sexual violence, motherhood, mental health and, ultimately, love. Early audiences have called it ‘empowering’, ‘a manifesto’ and ‘heartbreaking & funny all at the same time’.

We need up to 100 people, from a variety of ages, races, accents, genders, classes, places, etc, to film themselves saying ‘I believe you.’ (Full video requirements below). If you wear a uniform, or specific clothing, for work and feel comfortable we’d love for you to record yourself like that. 

If you’d like to take part please follow the instructions below and then you can upload your video HERE.

  • We would like you to film a short video of you saying “I believe you” to the camera.
  • Choose somewhere quiet, we will be using your audio so we want to be able to hear you!
  • Film your video in portrait (so it’s up & down, like you’d do a FaceTime), and framing your head and shoulders. We might not be able to use what you record if you film in landscape (your phone on it’s side).
  • Allow a couple of seconds of stillness after you have started recording, before you begin to speak and a couple of seconds at the end. 
  • The front-facing camera on smartphones is higher quality than the back-facing one that you use for video calls. If possible try to use the front camera. Doing it this way means you can’t see what you are recording while you film. It’s best to set up a shot and do a quick test record so that you can watch it back and tweak your framing accordingly. If you have someone who can help you line up the shot this can really help!

Thank you!